Art Kavanagh

Criticism, fiction and other writing

Andrew Marvell’s Gender

Art Kavanagh

Essays in Criticism cover, April 2016

This page originally consisted of a copy of the approved draft article, the final version of which appeared in Essays in Criticism in April 2016. I’ve decided to take down the draft because I’m not entirely sure that I was within my rights in posting it and, in any case, I’d rather people read the final, definitive version if possible.

So, if you have access to Oxford Journals/Essays in Criticism via your university library or department, you can read “Andrew Marvell’s gender” there. And, if you haven’t, I’ll send you a pdf copy on request. To ask for a copy, contact me on Twitter (DM or mention) or LinkedIn, or email me (“artk” at this domain name).

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Posted by Art 19-May-2019; updated 12-Jan-2021.